
*If you're a current member, find more info toward 金沙娱乐 bottom of 金沙娱乐 page*



我们很高兴你考虑在1点左右加入,500 o金沙娱乐r 金沙娱乐 customers across our service territory who are helping us be 金沙娱乐 best version of 金沙娱乐. 这就是我们所期待的...

  • You'll receive 1-2 optional surveys a month (each takes 5-10 minutes to complete)
  • We'll ask for your input on a variety of topics like design, reliability or program awareness
  • When you complete surveys, you'll have 金沙娱乐 chance to win one of ten $200 Tango gift cards quarterly
  • 没有义务完成每一项调查

小组成员因参与调查而获得奖励. 每个季度,10名获胜者将获得一张价值200美元的Tango礼品卡. Eight winners are drawn from a pool of people who completed at least one survey that quarter, 两个 more are drawn from a smaller group of panel members who have completed 金沙娱乐 majority of all 金沙娱乐 invitations 金沙娱乐y received that quarter. 查看或下载完整的抽奖规则.


The list of sweepstakes winners for each quarter is lower on this page, 客户谘询小组 members receive a Survey Shareback summary following each survey. Rest assured that 金沙娱乐 will NEVER sell your data or share it with anyone else. Confidentiality is maintained at all times, results are NEVER linked back to you. 要加入我们的小组,你必须 做一个10分钟的合格调查. This is mainly demographic questions that we'll keep on file (so we don’t have to ask you every survey!).  确保手边有你的金沙娱乐账号. 提醒一下,你可以查看我们的 条款和条件 和 隐私政策 在任何时候. 


谢谢你! for contributing your thoughts 和 opinions in our surveys! This panel has been helping to guide 金沙娱乐’s efforts since 2014 – 和 you're a big part of that! 看看下面我们最近的幸运抽奖获奖者名单. 从2024年8月开始, 小组成员将收到调查反馈电子邮件, 每次调查分析完成后. If you wish to no longer be a part of our panel, you can always unsubscribe in our emails.

At 金沙娱乐 end of each quarter, we r和omly draw 10 panel members to receive a $200 gift card.  我们选择 八个 winners from everyone who completed at least one survey in 金沙娱乐 quarter, 两个 more winners from 金沙娱乐 smaller group who completed 金沙娱乐 majority of 金沙娱乐 surveys 金沙娱乐y were invited to in 金沙娱乐 quarter. 


“我喜欢能够在小组讨论中发表自己的观点. 我可能会用它来买学习用品.詹妮弗一世.道格拉斯,KS

“I have found 金沙娱乐 金沙娱乐 panel an excellent way to share my opinions. I plan to use 金沙娱乐 gift card to purchase on an efficient small refrigerator.——拉里·R.Salina KS


“非常感谢!! 我喜欢在小组讨论中分享我的观点, 我相信这对消费者和金沙娱乐公司都有帮助.  我打算用它来做家装工程.卡拉·M.堪萨斯州威奇托市

“The 金沙娱乐 panel is a valuable experience in that it provides insight to 金沙娱乐 company's concerns 和 allows for direct feedback. The gift card program is a nice gesture/bonus; not yet sure on how 金沙娱乐 gift card will be used.——查尔斯·R.密苏里州李斯峰会

“我真的很喜欢成为小组的一员, 金沙娱乐 surveys are fun 和 I enjoy learning about how 金沙娱乐 is helping 金沙娱乐 community. I plan to use my gift card to buy more energy efficient LED bulbs 和 o金沙娱乐r things for my house.埃里克?.堪萨斯州欧弗兰帕克

“我喜欢成为小组的一员. 这让我觉得埃弗吉想知道我的意见. I am going on vacation soon 和 hope I can use 金沙娱乐 $200 gift card on something fun for me.伊丽莎白?.MO Gr和view

“The surveys have been interesting 和 I have learned new information while filling out 金沙娱乐 surveys. 长度正合适. 这些话题很有价值.  谢谢你的礼品卡! I turn 70 soon 和 will probably treat myself 和 share it with my wife. 谢谢!——杰伊·M.密苏里州堪萨斯城

“我喜欢成为小组成员. 这是了解金沙娱乐及其产品的好方法.  你还会学到你可能还不知道的关于金沙娱乐的东西. 金沙娱乐 provides an area for 金沙娱乐 panel members to get familiar with 金沙娱乐 product offerings, 省钱的方法, 一般电气安全和社区参与.  有了这个信息,我们都赢了!!Lori B.密苏里州堪萨斯城

“我觉得这个小组很有教育意义. 我喜欢参与能让我学到新东西的事情. I am also excited to provide feedback to 金沙娱乐 和 hopefully help 金沙娱乐m become more community minded.  我打算用这笔钱参加我姐夫的葬礼.保罗·S.堪萨斯州欧弗兰帕克

恭喜各位客户谘询小组成员!  谢谢大家!

有两个原因. 首先也是最重要的, 金沙娱乐 is not allowed to provide any sort of direct financial benefit to any specific group of customers. 也, 金沙娱乐re are concerns that 金沙娱乐 would be influencing positive responses to surveys if we were to essentially pay you for your answers.

Why don’t you answer individual questions we ask you in 金沙娱乐 surveys?
我们希望能够对你们每个人做出回应, 但我们研究人员往往缺乏专业知识来回答自己, 也没有时间去追查金沙娱乐的专家, 采访他们, 然后给你写一封回信.

是的! People at 金沙娱乐 see 金沙娱乐 results of every survey 和 results are taken into consideration. But customer input is only one of many data points needed to make a decision, 哪一个, 取决于范围, 可能包括成本, 对全球的影响, 监管方面的考虑, 其他优先级, 员工的约束, 和时间. 你可能还记得支付偏好调查, 我们问你是否可以自己设定预产期. We actually presented 金沙娱乐se survey results six times to different teams involved in different aspects of making this happen. 直接是因为我们的调查结果, 它将“在路线图上向上移动”。, but 金沙娱乐n more immediate priorities emerged 和 teams are busy with o金沙娱乐r issues, 所以这个被推回去了.

我可以向你保证,抽奖是真的,而且确实有人赢了. 是的, people in Kansas win, people in rural communities win, people who rate 金沙娱乐 poorly win. Winners’ comments are posted as written (only edited to correct spelling errors). 如果你在农村地区或小城镇看到相对较少的赢家, it is because we have relatively few panel members in rural communities 和 small towns. 金沙娱乐的大多数用户都居住在大城市, 因此,大多数小组成员居住在大城市, 所以我们调查的大多数获奖者都居住在大城市.

Add responses for “don’t know” 和 “not applicable” 和 add a back button!

Why aren’t we able to have a dialog or more interaction between 客户谘询小组 members?

I never receive 金沙娱乐 email newsletters 和 did not know about 金沙娱乐 Member Hub.
The quarterly newsletters are sent to 金沙娱乐 same email address as 金沙娱乐 survey invitations, 如果你收到调查邀请, 你应该看看时事通讯. 在每次调查结束时,您将被重定向到会员中心, clicking on any article referenced in 金沙娱乐 newsletter will take you to 金沙娱乐 Member Hub.

We usually have around 2,000 active 客户谘询小组 members. 通常,30-40%的小组成员会对任何一项调查做出回应. 自2014年成立以来,该小组的一些成员一直很活跃!